Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Common Threads

Tank: Apt 9, Kohls
Button Up: American Eagle, Nick's
Jacket: A.N.A., JCPenny
Leggins: Target
Socks: Smart Wool, Dicks Sporting Goods
Booties: Blowfish
Hat: Forever 21
Sunglasses: Ray Ban, "Clubmaster"
Earrings: Gap
Necklace: Tiffany & Co

I hate when tracks on an album don't blend together.  When each song has a connecting theme or a common thread (lyrically or musically), they are so much more cohesive.  I like the element of story telling; albums without a story always sound incomplete and erratic to me.

Although my outfit is somewhat erratic, it does mirror certain elements throughout.  The tops are clashing patterns, but the button down aspect gives the outfit a focal point.  The bottom half is neutral, and the black is reflected back to the top with the Ray Bans.  The hat wasn't part of any plan - it worked its way into the outfit when my hair decided to not cooperate this morning.  Oh well, it did a nice job of keeping the grunge/tomboy/hipster/slouchy theme going.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Greenhouse Effect

Tunic: Starling, Von Maur
Cami: Target
Leggins: Target
Socks: Kohls
Booties: Blowfish
Coat: BB Datoka, ModCloth
Bag: Fossil
Earrings: Made by a friend
Necklace: Tiffany & Co

The greenhouses at Ball State are incredible.  Nick and I went on a tour of both of them (the orchid and teaching/research greenhouses) this morning and we fell in love with the unbelievable species within.  The humid, cloudy, and astonishingly green atmosphere left us breathless.  We were lost in the beautiful and sometimes bizarre composition of the plants, and we spent the whole time pouring over each detail.  If you have a local greenhouse, GO!

My outfit was perfect - the booties protected my feet while walking through the woods to get to the greenhouse, and I wasn't worried about water or dirt damaging them.  The leggins and tunic were thin enough so that I wasn't sweating, and the pop of color allowed me to stand out amongst all the greenery.

I love discovering something new and exciting so close to where I live.  It's easy to get discouraged about your lack of options and activities in Muncie, especially in the colder months, so this visit was refreshing.  Keep a look out for opportunities, you never know what might come your way!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Semi Charmed Kinda Life

Sweater: H&M
Lace Tank: Target
Cami: Target
Jeans: Silver, The Buckle
Boots: Stein Mart
Necklace: Tiffany & Co
Watch & Charm Bracelet: Gifts

Queen Victoria was known for her love of charm bracelets, especially those that contained pictures and locks of Prince Albert's hair.  She loved to give and receive charms as gifts, and was actually called The Charm Queen.  You can find a short summary on the history of charm bracelets here.  

I'm pretty sure this was given to/purchased by my mom when I was born.  (Note the slightly creepy baby head).  While mine doesn't have a locket, I still love it.  All the charms are from cities out West my parents and I vacationed at when I was a kid.  It's full of memories, even if it is extremely noisy and potentially dangerous to my mousepad.

Have a happy Friday, everyone! 

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Purple Sparkle Polish: Wet n Wild, Shine, 435G
Purple Base Polish: Sally Hansen, Insta-Dry, 21 Uptempo Plum
Green Sparkle Polish: Sinful Colors, 932 Call You Later
Green Base Polish: Sally Hansen, Insta-Dry, 22 Jumpin' Jade

*All polish was purchased from drugstore*

When I got my box of polish out of my closet this afternoon, my original intention was to paint my nails.  Then I noticed my key ring sitting on my desk.  Before my crafty side revealed itself, my keys used to have those little rubber bumpers around the tops that differentiated each one.  The bumpers on mine were discolored and worn, so instead of buying new key toppers, I decided I would make my own.

I used the dark colors as a base, (two coats), then applied the sparkle.  Between applications, I used a hair dryer to speed up the process.

I use these two combos on my nails all the time.  They stay on for weeks; the sparkle coat acts as a topcoat, only stronger, and makes chipping and cracking nearly impossible.

Now my keys are cute and functional and I don't have to look at those ugly bumpers.  The best part? I have some pretty unique conversation starters.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

No Brainer

Jeans: Lucky Brand
Booties: Blowfish
Scarf: Macy's
Earrings: Betsey Johnson
Necklace: Tiffany & Co.

I love outfits like this one; they're simple, comfy, and cute.  It's my somewhat far-fetched spin on a classic cotton t and jeans, but mostly, it's an uncomplicated choice that I can throw on in the mornings when I'm rushed.  It's pretty hard to go wrong with basic black, and I prefer to use earthy-tones as accents, like chocolate brown, caramel, and olive rather than pops of color.  

 Recently, I started mixing a variety of materials to make my outfits more exciting.  Layering different textiles gives an outfit an edge of depth and dimension.  Plus, in chilly weather, the feel of a chunky knit or a fuzzy lining against your skin is completely cozy!      

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Fuzzy Blanket

Coat: ModCloth
Leggings: Target
Boot Socks: Kohls
Boots: Stein Mart
Headband: Walgreens

Dreary days make me want to cuddle up with a long book, a hot cup of tea, and a fuzzy blanket.  It's been one of those days here in Muncie, but I coerced my fiancé Nick to run outside with me to snap a few shots of my brand new coat (!) before the freezing temperatures completely chilled our bones.

Walking to class in Indiana weather can be brutal, so it's crucial to have the proper outerwear and cozy accessories.  (Also - LAYERS!)  I love the vivid stripes in this coat, and the slight western/blanket feel makes it unique.

Everyone needs those key pieces in their closet that can turn a bland outfit into a spicy ensemble, and one of the easiest ways to do that for me is with a coat.  I think I'll be living in this for the next few months, or at least until it's over 30 degrees! 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Bright Ideas

Sweater: Pimkie, Spain
Flannel: Aeropostale, 2011
Jeans: Big Star, Buckle
Belt: Fossil
Booties: Blowfish
Earrings: Vera Wang for Kohls
Necklace: Tiffany & Co.

Today is the day.  While watching a documentary on Bayard Rustin in my COMM 290 lecture, I began daydreaming.  Lost in my reverie, I made the decision to finally start the blog I've long been musing over.  

Maybe it's the New Year's resolution finally kicking in, or my (not so) recent obsession with blogging, but today, an unknown force inspired me.  This outfit isn't what I would normally wear, but today I felt the compelling need to create and deviate.

Isn't it incredible how your clothes are that much a part of you? How they can inspire and arouse?  I love expressing myself through what I wear, and I love how my clothes make me feel.